Are you spotting signs your husband doesn’t value you?
Does it feel like he takes you for granted?
If your husband is treating you with disrespect and making you feel this way, you don’t have to put up with it.
When you confront him, you shouldn’t let your husband brush it off as nothing either, you deserve better.
Here are 25 signs your husband doesn’t value you, see how many are true of your marriage so you can confront him.
25 Signs Your Husband Doesn’t Value You!
1. He Talks Down to You
If your husband is constantly putting you down, making snide comments, or talking down to you like you’re inferior to him – it’s a sign he doesn’t value you.
You deserve to be treated with respect, not like a lesser person whose opinion doesn’t matter as much as his.
2. He Talks About You Behind Your Back
If your husband is talking about you behind your back, spreading rumors, or just generally gossiping about you to other people – it’s a sign he doesn’t value you.
He should be your biggest supporter, not someone who puts you down to others when you’re not around.
Related – What to do if your husband shows other women more attention than you.
3. He Ignores Your Opinion
Your husband should value your opinion, even if he doesn’t agree with it.
If he regularly ignores what you have to say or dismisses your ideas out of hand – it’s a sign he doesn’t think your opinion is worth listening to.
You deserve to be heard and respected, even if your husband doesn’t always agree with you he should always want to hear – and consider – your opinion.
4. He Talks Over You when You’re Among Friends
Your husband should want to hear what you have to say even when you’re among friends.
But if he regularly talks over you, interrupts you, or finishes your sentences for you – it’s a sign he doesn’t value your opinion and he’s happy to show that in front of other people.
5. You Can’t Rely on Him
If your husband is constantly flaking on you, breaking promises, or just generally not being someone you can rely on – it’s a sign he doesn’t value you.
You deserve to be with someone who keeps their word and is there for you when you need them.
6. He Clearly Doesn’t Listen When You Talk
Your husband should want to hear everything you have to say.
But if he’s always looking at his phone, watching TV, or otherwise clearly not listening when you’re trying to talk to him – it’s a high red flag.
We all have our moments, but you shouldn’t have to repeat yourself or fight for his attention just to be heard.
7. He Takes Much More than He Gives
A healthy relationship is built on give and take.
But if your husband always seems to be taking more than he’s giving – whether it’s love, attention, or help around the house – it’s a sign he doesn’t value you as an equal partner.
8. He Just Expects You to Pay for Stuff
If your husband always seems to expect you to foot the bill, whether it’s for dinner, a movie, or anything else – it’s a sign he doesn’t value you.
A relationship is built on equality and both partners should be happy to contribute equally!
9. He Dry Texts You
Dry texting is when someone sends you a text message that is lacking thought or effort, it’s almost like they’re just fobbing you off.
It’s the modern-day equivalent of one-sided conversation and it’s a sign your husband doesn’t value you or your time or opinion.
10. He Makes Plans for You Both without Consulting You
Your husband should value your opinion and want to include you in decision-making – especially if he’s making plans that affect you both!
If he’s always making plans for the two of you without consulting you first – whether it’s a weekend away or a new car – it’s a sign he doesn’t see you as an equal partner.
Related – Signs a guy is afraid of commitment.
11. He Makes Plans and Leaves You Out
If your husband always seems to have some kind of plan or activity going on but you’re never included in it – it’s a red flag that he’s disrespecting you.
A relationship is built on two people, not one person always doing their own thing while the other is left out!
12. He Always Has His Phone on Him but Doesn’t Always Respond to You
If your husband is always on his phone but he doesn’t always respond to you when you’re trying to talk to him, it’s a sign he’s prioritizing other things over you.
You deserve to be with someone who is happy to put their phone away and give you their full attention when you’re there and respond to you when you’re not!
13. He’s Clearly Not Making an Effort in The Relationship
If your husband doesn’t seem to be making any effort in your relationship, I’m sure you can see and feel it.
Whether it’s not bothering to spend time with you, not doing his fair share around the house, or anything else – it’s a sign he doesn’t respect you.
14. He’d Rather Hang out With His Friends Then You
If your husband would rather spend his time with his friends than with you, it’s a sign he doesn’t value your company.
You want – and deserve – to be with someone who is not only happy to spend their free time with you but really wants to.
15. You’re Always Fighting and He Never Apologizes
If it seems like you’re always fighting, and he’s never the one to apologize or try to make things right, this is another clear sign that your husband doesn’t value your relationship.
A healthy relationship is built on communication and respect, not constant fighting.
If your husband cared, he would play peacemaker sometimes, too.
16. You Don’t Feel Like He Has Your Best Interests at Heart
This is a sad one. If you feel deep down like your partner doesn’t have your best interests at heart, it’s incredibly upsetting.
I can’t tell you why your husband feels like this, but I can tell you that it’s a sign he doesn’t respect and value you and that you deserve better.
17. He’s Not Willing to Talk About Problems in Your Relationship
If your husband isn’t willing to talk about the problems in your relationship, it’s a sign he doesn’t want to try and fix them.
A relationship is two people working together, not one person being left out or feeling like their opinion doesn’t matter.
18. He’s Let Himself Go
If your husband has let himself go and doesn’t seem to care about his appearance anymore, it’s a sign he’s too comfortable and doesn’t feel the need to make an effort for you.
It’s likely he no longer cares what you think or respects your opinion, and that’s a sad place to be.
Related – What to do if you’re tired of your husband but you still love him.
19. He Jokes About Leaving You
If your husband jokes about leaving you, it might be a sign that he’s testing what your reaction is and that it’s on his mind.
Joking about something serious is his way of deflecting the truth – that he doesn’t see a future with you.
20. He Puts Work Before Spending Time with You
If your husband is always putting work before spending time with you, it’s a sign he doesn’t see you as a priority in his life.
It’s a common frustration for guys to put their work first, and it is usually a sign that there is an underlying issue in your relationship.
21. He Doesn’t Involve You with His Family or Friends
If your husband doesn’t involve you with his family or friends, it’s an indicator that he’s not proud of you and doesn’t want to share his life with you.
You should be a big part of your husband’s life, and he should be proud to show you off!
22. He Doesn’t Check You Arrive at Places Safely
If your husband doesn’t check that you arrive at locations safely, it’s a sign he doesn’t care about your wellbeing.
A partner who values you will make sure you’re safe and sound, even if they’re not with you.
It only takes a few seconds to send a text, he really doesn’t have any excuse other than he’s not thinking about you.
23. He Rarely Even Says Good Night Any More
When was the last time your husband said good night to you? If it’s been a while, it’s a sign he doesn’t care about your day or how you’re feeling.
It only takes a few seconds to say goodnight, but it means the world when someone we love does.
24. You Catch Him out Telling Lies
Lying is a sign of disrespect. If you’re catching your husband out for lying to you, it’s a sign he doesn’t think highly of you or value your trust.
Even if the lies are small, they all add up to a lack of respect and love and it makes you wonder what else he’s hiding.
Related – How to deal with a guy who keeps leaving you ‘on read’ or doesn’t reply.
25. You Suspect – or Know – He’s Cheating
The ultimate sign that your husband doesn’t value you is if he’s cheating on you.
If your gut is telling you something isn’t right, or you have concrete evidence that he’s being unfaithful, it’s a sign he doesn’t love or respect you anymore.
If you’re sure he’s been unfaithful and you’re spotting a number of the red flags on this list, it’s time to face the truth and move on to someone who will cherish and value you.
You deserve so much better.
Image credits – Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.