If your guy has been taking you for granted, I’m sure your patience is running thin.
The best way to deal with someone who does this is to do something to make them stand up and take notice that you’re not going to put up with it any longer!
To do this, here are 10 ways you can teach him a lesson when he takes you for granted:
10 Ways You Can Teach Him a Lesson When He Takes You for Granted
1. Give Him the Silent Treatment
No one likes getting the silent treatment, it’s a surefire way of sending your partner a message that they’ve overstepped a boundary.
When your guy starts taking you for granted, give him a taste of his own medicine and refuse to engage in any kind of conversation with him.
This will definitely get his attention and make him realize that he can’t just take you for granted anymore.
Just don’t be too hard on him and make it last too long!
2. Stop Doing the Things He’s Taking for Granted
If your guy has been taking you for granted, then he’s probably gotten used to you doing certain things for him that he doesn’t even have to think about anymore.
Stop cooking dinner for him, doing his laundry, running errands for him, or whatever it is he’s taking for granted, and see how quickly he notices!
He’ll soon realize that he can’t just take you for granted anymore and will start to appreciate all the things you do for him.
3. Tell Him His Behavior Stops Today
If your guy has been taking you for granted, then it’s time to put your foot down and tell him that his behavior stops now.
Make it clear to him that you’re not going to tolerate being taken for granted anymore and that if he doesn’t change his ways, then there will be consequences.
This will definitely get his attention and make him realize that he needs to start treating you better if he wants to keep you around – it’s possible he just needs this wake-up call!
4. Demand He Does Something for You to Make Things Up
On the back of telling him you’re not going to put up with him taking you for granted any longer, to teach him a lesson you should ask him to make it up to you.
This could be anything from cooking you dinner to taking you on a weekend getaway – just make sure it’s something he knows you really want.
This will show him that he can’t just take you for granted and get away with it, he actually has to put some effort into the relationship just as you are.
5. Take Away Something He Likes
This one can sound a bit harsh, but we’re trying to teach this guy a lesson after all!
So, if your guy has been taking you for granted and not treating you the way you deserve, then take away something he likes as a consequence.
This could be anything from hiding something he wants, to not picking up his dinner when you go to the shop…I’m sure you can think of something.
Ask him how he feels when he doesn’t get something he wants!
6. Set Some Boundaries to Stop Him from Taking You for Granted
Some guys don’t take hints easily and need some boundaries spelled out so they don’t cross the line.
If your guy has been taking you for granted and isn’t changing with more subtle hints, I suggest setting some boundaries.
This could involve anything from setting limits on what he can ask you for or how often you do things for him.
You’ll need to come up with something based on your individual situation and the things he’s taking for granted from you.
7. Focus on Yourself so You’re Stronger
This one isn’t as much about teaching your guy a lesson as it is making you a stronger person so you can stop him from treating you like a doormat in the future.
Start taking some time each day to meditate, practice self-gratitude, and work on your self-esteem.
The stronger and more confident you are, the less likely you are to put up with a guy who takes you for granted or find yourself in this situation.
8. Start Going out With Friends More
If you’ve been spending your weekends and evenings with your guy and he’s been taking you for granted, then it might be time to start going out with your friends more.
Make it clear to him that you’re not going to be available all the time and that you need some time for yourself.
This will show him that you’re not going to be at his beck and call all the time and that he needs to start appreciating you more.
9. Give Him a Taste of His Own Medicine
Sometimes the only way to make a guy realize that he’s taking you for granted and how it feels is to turn the tables and give him a taste of his own medicine.
Start doing similar things to him and taking him for granted and see how he likes it.
It might not be easy if he can’t even be bothered to do anything for you, but it’s worth giving it a shot.
10. Threaten to Leave if Things Don’t Change
This is the last resort but it’s a way to send a powerful message and show him that you’re not willing to put up with his behavior.
Tell him that you’re not happy with how he’s treating you and that if things don’t change, you’re going to leave.
This will hopefully give him the wake-up call he needs to start treating you better and realize what he would be losing if you left.
I can understand you don’t want to leave, but honestly, if a guy won’t stop taking you for granted you need to have a serious talk with yourself about how well things are going.
Related – What life after divorce looks like and why some women always threaten to get a divorce!
Why Do Guys Take Women for Granted?
Unfortunately, there’s no one answer to this question as every guy is different.
However, there are a few possible reasons why your guy might be taking you for granted.
The easiest way to accept a guy doing this is that he’s used to getting his own way and doesn’t realize that he’s doing anything wrong.
But that’s rarely the case.
It’s often more so because he’s selfish and once he starts to see he can get his own way with you and you’ll do things for him he’s happy to keep taking more.
Whatever the reason, the important thing is that you put a stop to it asap.
Taking someone for granted can quickly become a situation where a guy is using controlling behavior to take advantage of a woman and that’s never acceptable.
Can Guys Change and Stop Taking Others for Granted?
The good news is that, yes, of course, a guy can change and stop taking others for granted.
However, it’s not always easy to get them to change their ways and it will often require some work on your part.
The key is to be assertive, set boundaries, and make it clear that you’re not going to put up with his behavior.
It might take some time but eventually, he will hopefully realize what he’s doing and make the necessary changes.
As long as you stay strong, he’ll either have to change his ways or lose you – if that isn’t enough for him to change I don’t think anything will be.
Image credits – Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash
Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.