For some people, there is a thin line between living in reality and living in a fantasy world.
There is also a huge difference between being a dreamer and exaggerating a little, and living in a pure fantasy world where nothing is close to reality.
It can be dangerous to live in a fantasy world, no matter how comforting it feels.
We need to be grounded and present in our reality to make the best decisions and create a future based on real feelings and situations.
If you’re concerned you’re living in a fantasy land, here are 15 signs you live in a fantasy world and what you can do about it:
15 Signs You Live in A Fantasy World
1. You Have or Have Had Imaginary Friends
If you have or have had imaginary friends, it’s likely you live in a fantasy world.
It’s not uncommon for children to have imaginary friends, but if you’re an adult with imaginary friends, it’s definitely a sign you still live in a fantasy world.
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2. You Have Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming and can control the dream.
While some people may have the occasional lucid dream, if you have them often and you’re dreaming about your fantasies it’s a sign that you’re creating a fantasy world.
3. You Experience Imagined Sensations as Real
If you regularly have imaginary sensations that feel real, this is another sign that you’re crossing the line between real and fantasy.
For example, if you imagine eating chocolate and you can smell and taste the chocolate, this is an example of an imagined sensation that feels real.
4. You See a Future for Yourself that Is Unrealistic
If you have grandiose plans and dreams for yourself that are far from realistic, this is one of the classic signs that you’re living in a fantasy world.
It’s good to have big dreams, but if your dreams are totally unrealistic it’s only going to lead to disappointment.
5. You Spend a Lot of Time Daydreaming About Alternative Realities
If you find yourself daydreaming about alternative realities often, it’s a sign that you’re not happy with your current reality.
It’s normal to daydream and escape into your own thoughts from time to time, but if you’re doing it all the time it’s a sign that you’re struggling to deal with the reality of your life.
6. You See Yourself Different from How Everyone Else Does
If you see yourself as totally different from how everyone else sees you, it’s a sign that you’re not in the same headspace as others.
It’s important to be aware of how others see you, but if you’re living in a fantasy world you may not have that awareness.
7. You Feel Although No One Else Sees the World as You Do
This ties in with the previous point.
If you feel that no one else sees the world as you do, it’s likely because you’re not seeing the world as it really is.
If you’re living in your own little fantasy world you’ll see things differently from everyone else, as hard as that is to accept.
8. You Believe You Have Some Kind of Supernatural Powers
Do you believe you have some kind of supernatural powers?
If so, it’s a sign that you’re living in a fantasy world.
There’s no such thing as supernatural powers and if you believe you have them, it means you’re not in touch with reality.
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9. You Relive Past Experiences
If you’re constantly reliving past experiences in your head, it’s a sign that you’re living in the past and not in the present.
It’s important to remember the past and learn from it, but if you’re living in your head and not in the present moment, you’re not going to be able to create the future you want.
10. You Have Out-Of-Body Experiences
Out-of-body experiences are when you feel like you’re floating above your body and looking down at yourself.
These experiences can be caused by things like sleep paralysis or certain substances, but if you have them often it’s a sign that you’re disconnected from reality.
11. You Think You Are Receiving Information from Higher Powers
Do you think you are receiving information from higher powers?
If so, I’m sorry to tell you that this is a sign that you’re living in a fantasy world.
There is no such thing as higher powers and if you believe you are receiving information from them, it means you’re not in touch with reality.
12. You Believe Fictional Characters Are Real
This is something I see people within the anime community talking about a lot.
If you believe that fictional characters are real or find yourself wishing they were, it’s a sign that you’re living in a fantasy world.
Fictional characters are not real and if you believe they are, it means you’re not in touch with reality.
13. You Believe You Can Do Things That Are Impossible
Do you believe you can do things that are impossible?
If so, this is one of the most obvious signs that you’re not grounded in reality.
Sure, it’s good to believe you can do things that are difficult and almost impossible if you have ambitious goals.
But there is a difference between being ambitious and outright thinking you can do crazy, impossible things.
14. You Don’t Think Anything Around You Is Real
This is one of the most extreme versions of not being in touch with reality.
If you don’t think anything around you is real, it means you’re in a constant state of disconnection from the world.
You may think you’re living in a dream or that reality is just an illusion.
Either way, it’s not healthy to believe this and it’s a sign that you need to get in touch with reality.
15. You Don’t Feel Like You Fit Into This World at All
If you don’t feel like you fit into this world at all, it’s a sign that you’re dealing with some issues.
It could be that you have social anxiety or depression, or it could be that you’re just not in touch with reality.
It’s not a good feeling to have and it can be tough to accept, but it’s important to realize that if you don’t feel like you fit in, there are things you can do.
You can get help for mental health issues, you can find your niche in the world, and you can find a way to accept that you’re different and it’s a good thing.
Related – Tips for those of you who feel although you don’t fit into this world.
What Should You Do if You’re Living in A Fantasy World?
If you’re living in a fantasy world, it’s possible that you have a medical condition such as Fantasy prone personality (FPP) or some other condition.
To find out if you have FPP, it’s important to see a mental health professional so you can get a diagnosis and treatment.
If you don’t have FPP, but you find yourself living in a fantasy world, it’s still important to get help.
This is because living in a fantasy world can be harmful to your mental health.
It can cause you to disconnect from reality, which can lead to social anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
It’s tough to offer advice as everyone is affected differently, but consulting a professional should be your first step.
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Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.