In need of powerful words that start with V?
Whether you want a word with a strong, powerful meaning or a word that sounds or feels powerful, I’ve done the legwork for you.
Here is a list of words beginning with the letter V that I think fit the bill of being ‘powerful’ in some way –
Powerful Words That Start With V
Validity – the state of being legally or officially recognized as true or accurate; the state of being logically sound or well-founded
Valor – bravery or courage in facing danger or difficulty
Valorous – brave and courageous; showing valor
Vanquish – to defeat or conquer; to overcome
Vantage – a position of superiority or advantage; an advantage
Vehement – intense or passionate; forceful
Venerable – worthy of respect or honor because of age, dignity, or distinction
Venerate – to respect or honor deeply; to hold in high regard
Veracious – truthful; accurate
Veracity – truthfulness or accuracy; honesty
Verity – the quality or state of being true or real; a truth or fact
Vex – to trouble or annoy; to confuse or perplex
Vexation – the state of being annoyed or troubled; irritation
Vigilance – the state of being watchful or alert; attentiveness
Vigor – energy and enthusiasm; vitality
Virtuosity – exceptional skill or ability; expertise
Virtuoso – a person with exceptional skill or ability, especially in music or art
Vision – the ability to see clearly or to foresee the future; a mental image or representation
Visionary – having or showing foresight and imagination; visionary
Vocal – expressed or communicated through speech; vocal
Vocalize – to express or communicate through speech; to make a sound with the voice.
Volition – the power of choice or decision; the act of making a conscious decision
Voluble – able to speak easily and fluently; talkative
Voluminous – large in size or quantity; extensive
Voracious – having a strong or insatiable appetite; ravenous
Vouch – to give personal assurance or guarantee; to provide evidence or testimony in support of
Vouchsafe – to grant or bestow, especially as a favor or privilege.
Vow – a solemn promise or commitment; a pledge.
If you want to browse more powerful words beginning with other letters of the alphabet, just click one of the letters below:
Image credits – Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.