Feelings of like, lust, love, romance, however you want to word it, it feels a little different to everyone – yet it’s a universal language!
Whether you want to know how a guy feels about you, or you’re curious how guys feel when they like a girl, I can certainly help explain it.
I’ve been there many times myself, and I’ve also discussed it with other guys!
Here are 10 things that explain how guys feel when they like a girl:
How Do Guys Feel When They Like a Girl? 10 Feelings Explained!
1. They Feel Warm and Fuzzy Inside and Have Butterflies!
When a guy starts to like you, he’ll definitely feel different and be aware of it.
For some guys, if this feeling is new it can be confusing – in fact, it can be overwhelming even if it’s not the first time a guy has fallen for someone.
Generally speaking, guys start to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he may even get butterflies in his stomach around you!
It’s often the little things as well. The things that you do that make him smile and laugh – whether it’s the way you say his name, or the way you giggle when you’re nervous.
He’ll just find himself drawn to you and he can’t help but feel great around you.
It’s truly a magical feeling that I just don’t think can be matched by anything other than falling for a girl.
Related – Here is what a crush feels like for a guy.
2. They Feel Like They’re Willing to Take Huge Risks
When a guy likes a girl, he’ll lose some of his inhibitions and be willing to take bigger risks than usual.
He’ll want to do things that he normally wouldn’t do just to try and make you happy or get your attention.
For example, a guy might ask you out even if he’s afraid of rejection because the potential reward of being with you outweighs the rejection.
As well as showing off and doing things out of his comfort zone to impress you if he thinks it’ll bring the two of you closer.
3. Their Heart Races when They See or Think About Her
When a guy likes a girl, and more so when he’s in love, it triggers a fight or flight reaction in the body, and this is what causes our hearts to ‘flutter’.
I’m sure we’ve all felt it, it’s exhilarating and a little scary both at the same time!
When a guy starts to like you, he’ll find that his heart races whenever he sees or thinks about you.
It’s the anticipation of seeing you and being around you that does it.
He’ll also start to care more about what you think and feel, wanting to know your opinions on things and generally just trying to get to know you better.
4. They Give Off an Energy that She Can Also Feel
When a guy likes a girl, he’ll start to project an energy that she can also feel.
It’s almost like they’re trying to communicate with each other on a different level – without even saying anything!
This is because when we like someone, we start to open up more and share things about ourselves that we wouldn’t normally share.
We start to feel more comfortable around them and we want them to know the real us.
We also just produce energy, a magnetism, a vibe, whatever you want to call it – but it’s very real!
5. They Feel Anxious to Be Around Her
When a guy likes a girl, he’ll start to feel anxious around her.
We’ve all been there, right? We care about what she thinks and feels, we overanalyze and overthink things, and get our minds all in a spin.
This is because when we like someone, we want to make a good impression and we want them to like us.
It’s a lot of pressure to put on ourselves and often leads to a build-up of anxiety.
6. They Want to Know More About Her
When a guy likes a girl, he’ll want to know everything about her.
What she likes and dislikes, what her hobbies are, and what she’s interested in.
This is a feeling that comes over guys (and girls). It’s hard to put into words what it feels like, there is just a burning curiosity to learn more about her!
7. They Have Uncontrollable Nerves Like They’ve Never Felt Before
When a guy likes a girl his body will release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure and motivation.
This chemical is also one of the main reasons why we get nervous because it heightens our focus and makes us very aware of our feelings.
It ties in with a lot of the other feelings and emotions I’ve covered so far; anxiety, excitement, butterflies, it’s all a mixing pot that happens as a result of falling for someone!
8. They Have a Feeling of Excitement and Anticipation
Some more common feelings and emotions a guy will have when he likes a girl are feelings of excitement and anticipation.
He’ll start to feel excited and anticipate everything from the next time he sees her to what she thinks about him and the future.
He’ll start making plans in his head, thinking about all of the things that he wants to do with you and all of the places that he wants to take you.
It’s this feeling of excitement and anticipation that can often lead to feelings of nervousness and anxiety!
9. They Feel Like Protecting Her and are Willing to Compete
Something that is deep-rooted and innate to men is feelings of protection and being willing to fight or compete for a love interest.
Not all men are alphas or macho, of course, but most men will feel protective over a girl they like and will go to great lengths to ensure she is safe.
You could call it being chivalrous or simply being a good guy, but whatever it is, it’s definitely a sign that he likes you!
10. They Feel the Need to Show Affection to Her
We can’t talk about having romantic feelings for a girl without talking about the need to show affection.
This is one of the most universal signs that a guy likes you – he’ll start to find ways to touch you and be close to you.
He might give you a hug, hold your hand, or brush your hair out of your face.
It’s all about physical contact and being in close proximity to the one you like!
When we’re physically close to someone and are free to show them affection, the way this makes us – and the other person – feel is truly magical.
Related – Here is how to tell if a Hispanic girl likes you and what height guys prefer in a girl.
What Things Do Guys Do When They Like a Girl?
There are a few key things that guys do when they like a girl. Here are some of the most common ones:
- They’ll Find Ways to Be Around Her – If a guy likes you, he’ll find ways to be around you. He might start hanging out in your favorite places or try to bump into you more often.
- They’ll Want to Know More About Her – When a guy likes a girl, he’ll want to know everything about her. He’ll ask you questions and try to learn as much as he can.
- They’ll Have Uncontrollable Nerves – Guys will get nervous around the girl they like. This is because their bodies are releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure and motivation.
- They’ll Feel Affectionate – One of the most universal signs that a guy likes you is if he starts finding ways to touch you and be close to you. He might give you a hug, hold your hand, or brush your hair out of your face.
- They’ll Feel Protective – Most men will feel protective over the girl they like and will go to great lengths to ensure she is safe. This is because it’s innate for men to want to protect and compete for a love interest.
These are just some of the things that guys do when they like a girl. If you’re wondering if a guy likes you, keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs!
What Makes a Guy Have Feelings for A Girl?
Well, there is a scientific explanation, when a guy falls for a girl his body releases feel-good hormones and chemicals.
These include dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin.
Dopamine is associated with the pleasure center in the brain and it gives you that euphoric feeling.
Serotonin is a happy chemical that is also released when you exercise.
Oxytocin is sometimes called the “cuddle hormone” or the “love hormone” because it’s released when people hug or bond emotionally.
And lastly, vasopressin is involved in pair bonding and it helps people feel more connected to others.
So, there you have it!
Some of the science behind why guys get a rush of different emotions when they develop feelings for a girl!
Image credits – Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.
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