In need of the correct action words that start with Z to describe a specific state or an action?
If so, you’re looking for positive verbs.
Verbs are action words; they help describe an action, state, or occurrence. Therefore using the correct verb is incredibly important when structuring a sentence.
To help you out, below you’ll find a list of some common verbs beginning with the letter Z:
Action Words That Start With Z
Zap – destroy or obliterate.
Zero-In – take aim with a gun or missile.
Zest – scrape off the outer colored part of the peel of (a piece of citrus fruit) for use as flavoring.
Zigzag – have or move along in a zigzag course.
Zing – move rapidly, making a high-pitched ringing or whining noise.
Zip – fasten with a zip.
Zone – divide into or assign to zones.
Zoom – move or travel very quickly.
If there are any action words beginning with Z that you think are missing from the list, please drop me a comment below and I’ll add them to help others.
Additionally, if you want more action words or verbs starting with other letters of the alphabet, just click one of the letters of the alphabet from the grid below:
Lists of Action Words and Verbs From Other Letters of the Alphabet:
Image credits – Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.