Let’s not avoid the obvious here, almost everyone goes to work to earn money – and the more money, the better.
If you’re financially stable and the money isn’t an issue, good for you.
That’ll make the decision of whether or not you should take a job offer a lot easier.
But for those who need the money, weighing up accepting a job you don’t like or aren’t excited about but pays well is a tough thing to balance.
Should I Take a Job Just for the Money?
The answer to this question isn’t a simple yes or no.
It really depends on your specific circumstances and goals right now, and there is an argument for both answers.
The best thing you can do is weigh up all the pros and cons and make the best, and most informed decision you can.
Here are 5 of the main pros and cons to taking a job just for the money:
Pro #1 – You’ll Have More Money!
Let’s start off by stating the obvious – if you’re taking a job because it pays well you’re going to have more money.
That means different things to different people, but at the end of the day, we work to earn money, and earning more for our time always feels good.
Related – Here are 15 signs you should not accept a job offer.
Pro #2 – You Can Save More and Potentially Retire Early
Another thing that means a lot to most people is being able to retire comfortably or retire early.
Again, this is why we work 40+ years, right? To retire at the end of it and enjoy our twilight years.
The more money you earn now, assuming you save a lot of it, the sooner and more comfortably you’ll be able to retire.
For some people, trading that off against doing a job they don’t enjoy or feel satisfied with is worth it.
Pro #3 – Money Does Equal More Life Experiences
This point may raise a few eyebrows as there is always an argument that the best life experiences are free.
But let’s be real, almost everything costs money to some extent.
If you want to enrich your life with travel, tech and gadgets, and experiences that require money, you’ll need to earn it.
Again, a little more suffering in the day job will be worth it for some people, but not others.
Pro #4 – The Money Might Support Better Professional Development
It’s not out of the question to take a job that pays well as a way to springboard your career.
You could use the money to invest in further education, training and networking to move your career along more quickly.
Maybe the job is a great way to put some money aside while you build your professional skill set.
Pro #5 – The Money Might Minimize Other Stresses in Your Life
We’ve all heard the saying, “Money can’t buy happiness.” It’s one of the most overused sayings in the world.
You can interpret this in many ways, but I think most of us can agree that money is able to help with some of the stresses in our lives.
If you’re in a position where you can take a job for the money and remove financial stresses from your life, it may be worth considering.
Con #1 – If You Don’t Enjoy Your Work You’ll Feel Unfulfilled
If you’re taking a job for the money it sounds like you’re not excited, stimulated, challenged, or interested in the role from a professional standpoint.
That’s not to say you won’t learn anything, but if you don’t enjoy the work or feel fulfilled by it in some way, it’ll take its toll over time.
Con #2 – Money Can’t Replace Job Satisfaction
We just touched on this point, but money really can’t replace job satisfaction.
It might offset it to a degree, but that won’t last too long.
Ultimately, if you’re not enjoying the job or it’s not a good fit for you, it won’t matter how much you’re being paid you’re going to feel unhappy, anxious, or frustrated at work.
Con #3 – You’ll End Up Resenting Your Role and Eventually Yourself
The combination of not enjoying your job and doing work that is unfulfilling can cause a lot of resentment.
Not only will you resent the role, but eventually, if it goes on too long, you’ll start to resent yourself for not making a change.
This is a form of internal stress that is hard to shake and will take some courage to move on.
Con #4 – It’s Going to Put a Toll on Your Mental Health
The often ‘hidden’ damage of taking a job just for the money is the toll it can take on your mental health.
The mind absorbs everything, and if your workday is a constant source of unhappiness and stress, it will slowly chip away at your mental health.
It might be hard to notice until it’s too late, and that’s a serious problem a lot of people who work for money and not satisfaction find themselves in.
Con #5 – You Could Be Holding Yourself Back Professionally
The opportunity cost of taking a job for the money and not the professional development opportunities is that you might be holding yourself back professionally.
It’s not unheard of to take a job for the money in the short term, but if the job doesn’t help you advance your skills, you won’t be learning or growing in your role.
If that’s the case, you’ll be stuck in the same place for a long time and you won’t have as many opportunities to advance your career.
Related – Here is why I wouldn’t take a job I’m not excited about.
In Summary – So, Should You Take a Job Because It Pays Well?
Ultimately, this is a question only you can answer – but I hope I’ve helped put things into perspective.
Taking a job for the money is a personal decision and it’s not something to be taken lightly – there are pros and cons to doing so.
If you don’t enjoy the work and it’s not helping you develop professionally, then maybe taking a job for the money will end up doing more damage than good.
However, if it’s going to help you minimize financial stresses in your life and give you the freedom to pursue something else in the future, then it might be worth considering.
In the end, only you can make the decision that’s right for you and your circumstances.
Regardless of which path you choose, make sure it’s with intention and thoughtfulness – that way you’ll be able to move forward without regrets.
Image credits – depositphotos.com/stock-photo-the-girl-is-stressing-on

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.