Living with a roommate can be a wonderful experience, but it’s not always rainbows and sunshine.
Sometimes, you may find yourself wondering if your roommate actually likes you or not.
In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 obvious signs that your roommate may not like you, so you can address the issue and work towards improving your living situation.
10 Signs Your Roommate Doesn’t Like You
Your roommate consistently avoids interacting with you or being in the same room as you.
For example, if you enter the room and your roommate immediately leaves, or if they always seem to be out when you’re home, this could be a sign that they don’t like being around you.
Related – Tips for dealing with a roommate how never goes out or doesn’t leave their room!
Lack of Communication
Your roommate doesn’t initiate conversations or respond to your attempts at communication.
For instance, if you try to strike up a conversation about your day and your roommate just gives you a one-word answer before returning to their phone or computer, this could be a sign that they don’t want to engage with you.
Ignoring You
Your roommate doesn’t acknowledge your presence or respond to your greetings.
For example, if you say “hi” when you walk in the room and your roommate doesn’t even look up from what they’re doing, or if they don’t respond when you ask them a question, this could be a sign that they’re intentionally ignoring you.
Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Your roommate makes sarcastic or cutting remarks, leaves passive-aggressive notes, or engages in other behavior that is meant to be hurtful.
For instance, if your roommate leaves a note on the fridge saying “thanks for eating all the food, hope you enjoyed it” when you only had one snack, this could be a sign that they’re angry with you but not willing to confront you directly.
Negative Body Language
Your roommate may roll their eyes, sigh heavily, or cross their arms when you are around. For example, if you’re talking to your roommate and they roll their eyes or let out a big sigh, this could be a sign that they don’t want to be talking to you or don’t like what you’re saying.
Excluding You
Your roommate frequently makes plans with other people without inviting you or leaves you out of group activities. They may also seem to go out of their way to avoid spending time with you.
Criticizing you
Your roommate frequently criticizes your behavior, habits, or personal choices. For example, they may criticize the way you dress or the way you cook, or constantly comment on things you do or say.
Disrespecting Your Belongings
Your roommate may use your things without permission or damage them.
For example, they may borrow your clothes without asking, use your computer or phone without permission, or spill food or drink on your personal belongings.
Refusing to Compromise
Your roommate is unwilling to compromise on issues related to living arrangements, such as cleaning schedules or noise levels.
For example, they may refuse to help with household chores or insist on playing loud music late at night despite your requests to keep the noise down.
Displaying Hostility
Your roommate’s behavior towards you is consistently hostile, angry, or aggressive. They may yell at you, slam doors, or even threaten you.
Related – Tips for dealing with inconsiderate house and room mates.
What Should I Do if My Roommate Doesn’t Like Me?
If your roommate doesn’t like you, it can be an uncomfortable and difficult situation to deal with. Here are some tips for how to handle this situation:
Try to understand the reason: Before taking any action, try to understand why your roommate doesn’t like you. This can help you figure out the best approach to resolve the issue.
Communicate: Talk to your roommate about your concerns and try to resolve any misunderstandings or issues.
Respect their boundaries: If your roommate wants space, respect their boundaries and give them some privacy.
Find common ground: Look for common interests or shared goals to build a positive relationship with your roommate.
Seek help: If the situation is causing significant stress or impacting your mental health, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor.
Consider a room change: If all else fails and the situation is unbearable, consider requesting a room change from your housing department.
Remember, it’s important to prioritize your own well-being in this situation, but also try to approach it with empathy and understanding.
Wrapping Up
There are few things worse than living with a roommate who clearly – for some reason – doesn’t like you.
It makes you feel unwelcome in your own home, uncomfortable, anxious, and more. It’s essential you don’t suffer in silence, you have to do something about it.
I hope the signs to look for in this post help you better understand how your roommate feels towards you, good or bad, and point you in the right direction regarding what to do next!
Image credits – Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.