Having good etiquette and manners is a key skill and essential to the smooth operation of any civilization. Having good etiquette means to have good manners and grace in social situations.
Coming across well and having good manners can be the difference between being liked or not. Success and failure, and forming good friendships. There is no reason not to be polite to others, yet it’s becoming less common all the time.
We can blame our hectic lifestyles. The lack of social face-to-face interaction due to all the technology we rely on, or just a change in trends. But one thing that has not changed is how good etiquette is received.
What Are Etiquette Classes?
Etiquette classes are held by companies as a training course in manners. Attendees learn all the basics of what good manners are, how to treat others, and how to carry yourself. Etiquette classes were a lot more common in years gone by, but are still available today.
Ethics are also an important part of having good etiquette. This means understanding the difference between right and wrong, regardless of what you think is at stake. Taking into account how your actions will affect other peoples, and vice versa.
Manners can be easily learned. It really doesn’t take long for someone who wants to learn how to come across better to others. There are some rules to remember, but on the whole it’s an extension of one’s personality at its best.
Etiquette Rules for Family Members
Good etiquette starts at home. Being respectful and having good manners with family members helps promote a comfortable and enjoyable home life. This means extending this behavior to in-laws and other members of family outside of the home.
It can be stressful living in a family home and sharing space with several other family members. Dysfunctional homes and families always have a lack of etiquette, children taught good manners as they grow up nearly always enter the world better prepared.
Some Basic Family Etiquette Rules
- Respect others personal space.
- Respect others personal possessions.
- Don’t interrupt others when they are talking.
- Always say “Please” and “Thank you”.
- Don’t use your mobile phone when you’re being spoken to.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Don’t curse or raise your voice at others.
These are all fairly routine rules, and nothing out of reach for us all. Yet, so many families live in chaos and neglect these rules. Implementing these into your family life will have a positive impact on the family dynamic.
Teaching etiquette manners for kids is a great way at setting kids up with some life skills. Etiquette manners for adults shouldn’t be overlooked either. If they were not taught some of the basic do’s and dont’s as a child or young adult, it’s never too late.
Some Basic Social Etiquette Rules
How you handle yourself in public says a lot about you and how you act at home. People form impressions on people by how they see them act. So before acting anything less than respectable, and with the appropriate manners – think about this.
Here are some basic rules to follow:
- Always be on time if you have an appointment.
- Make eye contact with talking with others.
- Never interrupt someone while they are talking.
- Give and receive complaints where appropriate.
- Avoid getting involved in gossip and rumors.
- Give up your seat and hold doors open for the elderly, less able, etc
- Don’t take advantage of others good nature and generosity.
Again, these are all easy to follow rules. You will feel a lot better about yourself when following these rules in public. Sure you’ll get people being rude to you, just ignore this and carry on about your own business.
Some Basic Professional Etiquette Rules
Coming across professional and with good etiquette in the business environment sets a great example and tone as a trusting, successful, and professional person.
Who would you trust to represent your company, or push for promotion. Someone with good etiquette and manners, or someone with an abrupt and rude manner? I think the answer to this question is fairly obvious.
With that in mind, here are some basic rules to follow while working:
- Always dress appropriately for your working environment.
- Don’t eavesdrop or hang around while people are talking business.
- If you eat at your desk, don’t eat strong smelling foods.
- Give others praise and reassurance where applicable.
- Never take credit for other people’s work.
- Always be friendly to other colleagues, clients, and visitors. Regardless of your feelings.
- Respect other people’s personal space and belongings.
These are all rules that help to create a more productive and enjoyable working environment. It’s difficult to get a cohesive mix in a large office space, but doing your part is the most important part for you.
By showing a good deal of profession and manners, you will perform better in your role, make more friends, and progress in the company quicker.
Why is Etiquette Important?
Etiquette helps people interact with each other in a more mutually enjoyable manner. You can forge stronger, more genuine relationships. It shows that you respect others, and earns you respect back.
In an ideal world everyone would display good manners at all times, but unfortunately it’s not that way. Etiquette classes for kids are a great way to help instill good values in children, helping them to develop into productive and successful adults.
Likewise, etiquette classes for adults are a great way for adults to form better manners. Empowering previously rude or difficult people with the social tools they need to treat other with respect, and earn back respect for themselves.
With etiquette and manners explained across a range of different applications. I hope you can look at yourself and evaluate how well you treat others.
If you find you’re abrasive at work. Is it because you’re in a fast moving, competitive environment? Do you think that’s an excuse after reading the above?
Everyone has their own set of ethics, morals, and rules. But being polite and respectful to others is the better option.

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.