The best way to play Never Have I Ever is to have interesting questions that help you learn more about the friends you are playing with. As much as you would think that every question should be a crazy out there question to make the game interesting, it actually reduces the chances that people will be honest if you only have those questions. You want people to feel comfortable, open up, and have fun. The list in this article is composed of some funny, some surprising, and some scandalous questions that are guaranteed to make for a good game.
I have also provided a free Never Have I Ever card download at the end of this post. You can print the sheets and cut out the cards and play right away.
Never Have I Ever Questions
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone by pretending to know about something I had no clue about.
- Never have I ever danced like nobody’s watching, only to realize somebody was watching.
- Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever made a silly face in the mirror just to see how ridiculous I can look.
- Never have I ever laughed uncontrollably at an inappropriate moment.
- Never have I ever tried to walk through a push door and smacked into it.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for someone I know and waved at them.
- Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.
- Never have I ever used a cheesy pickup line on someone.
- Never have I ever pulled a prank that backfired on me.
- Never have I ever worn a costume to a non-costume event.
- Never have I ever sung in the shower and thought I sounded amazing.
- Never have I ever taken a selfie with a celebrity cutout.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cute pet selfie and ended up with a blurry mess.
- Never have I ever tried to parallel park and caused a minor traffic jam.
- Never have I ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public.
- Never have I ever accidentally snorted while laughing.
- Never have I ever used a ridiculous filter during a video call.
- Never have I ever pretended to know a song’s lyrics and mumbled along.
- Never have I ever tripped over my own feet while walking.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone I shouldn’t have.
- Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
- Never have I ever skinny-dipped.
- Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get what I wanted.
- Never have I ever had a steamy dream about a coworker.
- Never have I ever kissed someone on a dare.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a beach.
- Never have I ever had a friends-with-benefits arrangement.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a fictional character.
- Never have I ever gone on a blind date and instantly regretted it.
- Never have I ever used a cheesy pickup line that actually worked.
- Never have I ever had a memorable encounter in an elevator.
- Never have I ever been caught making out in a public place.
- Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher or professor.
- Never have I ever given a fake number to someone.
- Never have I ever lied about my relationship status.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone much older or younger than me.
- Never have I ever baked cookies from scratch.
- Never have I ever traveled to a different continent.
- Never have I ever read a book in one sitting.
- Never have I ever volunteered for a charity event.
- Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument.
- Never have I ever tried meditation or yoga.
- Never have I ever planted a tree.
- Never have I ever donated blood.
- Never have I ever been part of a surprise party.
- Never have I ever been in a hot air balloon.
- Never have I ever ridden a horse.
- Never have I ever learned a new language.
- Never have I ever successfully completed a DIY project.
- Never have I ever gone on a road trip with friends.
- Never have I ever cooked a three-course meal.
- Never have I ever finished a crossword puzzle.
- Never have I ever won a game of trivia.
- Never have I ever gone camping in the wilderness.
- Never have I ever been stung by a bee.
- Never have I ever successfully pulled off a surprise for someone.
- Never have I ever tried to lick my elbow.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong restroom.
- Never have I ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting.
- Never have I ever pretended to understand a joke that went completely over my head.
- Never have I ever tripped over a completely flat surface.
- Never have I ever mistaken someone for a celebrity and asked for an autograph.
- Never have I ever tried to reenact a scene from a movie and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever taken a “selfie” with a statue.
- Never have I ever accidentally sent a voice message while pocket-dialing someone.
- Never have I ever had a secret crush on a friend’s partner.
- Never have I ever kissed someone and immediately regretted it.
- Never have I ever had a “walk of shame” the morning after a night out.
- Never have I ever had a rendezvous in a public restroom.
- Never have I ever tried to use a fake name at a bar.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a movie theater.
- Never have I ever been caught making out in a car.
- Never have I ever had a dating app profile.
- Never have I ever ridden a bicycle for more than 20 miles in one day.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to someone.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish from another culture.
- Never have I ever successfully grown a plant from a seed.
- Never have I ever attended a live theater performance.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a homeless shelter.
- Never have I ever been part of a choir or singing group.
- Never have I ever sent a handwritten birthday card.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity walk or run.
- Never have I ever learned to juggle.
- Never have I ever tripped and blamed it on an invisible obstacle.
- Never have I ever tried to use a selfie stick and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a glass door.
- Never have I ever sung in the shower like I was performing at a concert.
- Never have I ever worn my shirt inside out without realizing it.
- Never have I ever had a hilarious autocorrect fail in a text message.
- Never have I ever photobombed a stranger’s picture.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone by speaking a foreign language I don’t actually know.
- Never have I ever been caught talking to myself in public.
- Never have I ever tried to pet a stray cat and got rejected.
- Never have I ever attempted a DIY haircut and regretted it.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie at the cinema.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person.
- Never have I ever had a dance-off with a friend in the middle of the street.
- Never have I ever tried to squeeze into a pair of jeans that were clearly too small.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
- Never have I ever worn my clothes backward and only realized it hours later.
- Never have I ever accidentally snorted while laughing at a joke.
- Never have I ever tried to discreetly adjust my underwear in public.
- Never have I ever had a secret crush on a coworker.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a free drink.
- Never have I ever sent a risqué photo to someone.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a public place.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone significantly older or younger.
- Never have I ever kissed someone on a dare and enjoyed it.
- Never have I ever used a fake name at a bar or club.
- Never have I ever been caught checking someone out.
- Never have I ever had a steamy dream about a celebrity.
- Never have I ever lied about my relationship status to avoid someone’s advances.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s significant other.
- Never have I ever had a flirty text conversation with someone I just met.
- Never have I ever had a memorable encounter with a complete stranger.
- Never have I ever sent a naughty text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever gone on a solo trip to a foreign country.
- Never have I ever finished a challenging jigsaw puzzle.
- Never have I ever written a handwritten letter to someone.
- Never have I ever adopted a pet from a shelter.
- Never have I ever cooked a meal for my family from scratch.
- Never have I ever donated clothes to charity.
- Never have I ever learned how to knit or crochet.
- Never have I ever volunteered at an animal rescue center.
- Never have I ever read a classic novel from start to finish.
- Never have I ever hosted a dinner party for friends and family.
- Never have I ever built a piece of furniture from a DIY kit.
- Never have I ever visited a museum in a foreign city.
- Never have I ever completed a 30-day fitness challenge.
- Never have I ever learned how to swim.
- Never have I ever participated in a community clean-up event.
- Never have I ever pretended to be busy to avoid someone.
- Never have I ever taken a selfie with a statue.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a celebrity.
- Never have I ever tried to parallel park and ended up way off.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cool jumping photo and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever told a joke and nobody laughed.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone with my cooking and burnt the dish.
- Never have I ever accidentally liked someone’s super old social media post.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty message to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone I met online.
- Never have I ever had a secret make-out session.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in a movie theater.
- Never have I ever lied about my age to seem more mature.
- Never have I ever been on a date with someone more than a decade older.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling.
- Never have I ever tried a food from a different culture and loved it.
- Never have I ever finished a jigsaw puzzle in one sitting.
- Never have I ever learned to ride a bicycle.
- Never have I ever volunteered at an animal shelter.
- Never have I ever gone horseback riding on a trail.
- Never have I ever donated my hair to a charity.
- Never have I ever participated in a karaoke night.
- Never have I ever sung a duet with someone.
- Never have I ever learned to swim.
- Never have I ever hosted a game night with friends.
- Never have I ever written a poem or a short story.
- Never have I ever taken a cooking class.
- Never have I ever successfully surprised someone with a gift.
- Never have I ever gone on a picnic in a park.
- Never have I ever attended a themed costume party.
- Never have I ever taken a road trip without a GPS.
- Never have I ever created a scrapbook.
- Never have I ever tried to dance like a pop star when no one was watching.
- Never have I ever accidentally spit on someone while talking.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing auto-correct fail in a text.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cute pet selfie and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why.
- Never have I ever sung a song in the shower like I was performing on stage.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie and missed the ending.
- Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn’t understand just to fit in.
- Never have I ever had a romantic rendezvous under the stars.
- Never have I ever kissed someone within minutes of meeting them.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a celebrity.
- Never have I ever lied about my relationship status to get out of a situation.
- Never have I ever flirted to get a discount or special treatment.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave me a note.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in the rain.
- Never have I ever had a “friends with benefits” arrangement.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
- Never have I ever ridden a bicycle for more than 10 miles in one go.
- Never have I ever successfully grown my own vegetables.
- Never have I ever taken a cross-country road trip.
- Never have I ever donated blood to save a life.
- Never have I ever been a mentor to someone younger.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity run or walk.
- Never have I ever helped a stranger in need.
- Never have I ever pretended to know a movie quote when I really didn’t.
- Never have I ever danced like a crazy person when I was alone at home.
- Never have I ever tried to juggle and failed spectacularly.
- Never have I ever accidentally waved at someone who wasn’t actually waving at me.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cute selfie and ended up with a double chin.
- Never have I ever fallen off a chair while trying to balance on its back legs.
- Never have I ever had a ridiculous nickname that I secretly liked.
- Never have I ever locked myself out of my own house.
- Never have I ever had a fling with someone I met while traveling.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave me a suggestive gift.
- Never have I ever kissed someone and then immediately regretted it.
- Never have I ever used a cheesy pickup line on someone I just met.
- Never have I ever had a memorable make-out session in a car.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone else to impress a date.
- Never have I ever donated my old clothes to charity.
- Never have I ever planted a tree or participated in a tree-planting event.
- Never have I ever written a poem or short story for fun.
- Never have I ever completed a challenging hike or climbed a mountain.
- Never have I ever successfully surprised someone with a party or gift.
- Never have I ever learned to swim or improve my swimming skills.
- Never have I ever built a sandcastle at the beach.
- Never have I ever taken a spontaneous weekend getaway.
- Never have I ever made funny faces at myself in the mirror.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic an animal’s sound and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a room and forgot why I was there.
- Never have I ever pretended to listen while actually daydreaming.
- Never have I ever tried to reenact a scene from a movie and failed.
- Never have I ever had a funny pet name for an ex.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cute selfie and ended up looking ridiculous.
- Never have I ever had a fling with a coworker.
- Never have I ever lied about my relationship status to avoid someone.
- Never have I ever sent a provocative photo to someone.
- Never have I ever had a secret crush on someone who was already taken.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a hot tub.
- Never have I ever flirted to get out of a speeding ticket.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community event.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a new recipe from scratch.
- Never have I ever helped organize a surprise party for a friend.
- Never have I ever planted flowers to beautify a public space.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a family member.
- Never have I ever learned to paint or draw as a hobby.
- Never have I ever mentored someone younger or less experienced.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help those less fortunate.
- Never have I ever participated in a beach cleanup.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a celebrity cutout.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted milk out of my nose.
- Never have I ever gotten into the wrong car thinking it was mine.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous person’s accent and failed.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a meeting or class.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone with a failed magic trick.
- Never have I ever tripped over my own feet in front of a crowd.
- Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and ended up flat on my back.
- Never have I ever tried to catch something that I dropped, only to make it worse.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a meme that I couldn’t breathe.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a “push” door and knocked it open.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally hit the front camera.
- Never have I ever pretended to be on the phone to avoid a social situation.
- Never have I ever burst out laughing at an inappropriate moment.
- Never have I ever tried to parallel park and ended up taking three attempts.
- Never have I ever tripped over my own shoelaces and face-planted.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing typo in a professional email.
- Never have I ever laughed at my own joke before I finished telling it.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone from a TV show or movie.
- Never have I ever been caught flirting with someone’s significant other.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a public restroom.
- Never have I ever sent a suggestive text to the wrong contact.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter during a thunderstorm.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a coworker that I shouldn’t have.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in a crowded elevator.
- Never have I ever had a naughty dream about a friend’s partner.
- Never have I ever used a dating app to chat with no intention of meeting.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a racy note.
- Never have I ever learned to make a traditional dish from scratch.
- Never have I ever donated my time to a local community garden.
- Never have I ever planted a tree to help the environment.
- Never have I ever learned to knit or crochet as a hobby.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity bike ride.
- Never have I ever written a letter of appreciation to a teacher.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger sibling or cousin.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a literacy program.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity auction.
- Never have I ever tried to do a backflip and landed on my back.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a dance move and ended up looking ridiculous.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I had to stop talking mid-sentence.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a “pull” door and slammed into it.
- Never have I ever tried to be sneaky and accidentally knocked something over.
- Never have I ever made a funny face in a group photo and regretted it later.
- Never have I ever attempted a magic trick and failed spectacularly.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a celebrity’s hairstyle and regretted it.
- Never have I ever gotten lost while following GPS directions.
- Never have I ever laughed at a joke that nobody else understood.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s ex-partner.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty message to someone I barely knew.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter on a rooftop.
- Never have I ever kissed someone and immediately pretended it was a mistake.
- Never have I ever had a secret fling while on vacation.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a neighbor.
- Never have I ever exchanged provocative photos with someone.
- Never have I ever flirted to get out of a traffic ticket.
- Never have I ever volunteered at an animal rescue shelter.
- Never have I ever learned to play a traditional musical instrument.
- Never have I ever donated my old books to a library or school.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a grandparent.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student at school.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity bake sale.
- Never have I ever learned to paint or draw as a creative outlet.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a children’s hospital.
- Never have I ever helped a stranger with their groceries.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a wild animal in the background.
- Never have I ever gotten my arm stuck in a piece of clothing while trying it on.
- Never have I ever tripped over absolutely nothing and fell flat on my face.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s voice and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever tried to walk and chew gum at the same time and failed.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a mirror thinking it was a doorway.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone else on social media.
- Never have I ever gotten my tongue stuck to a frozen object.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a car.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave me a provocative note.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a dressing room.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a person significantly older or younger than me.
- Never have I ever sent a risky message to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal shelter.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a dish from another culture.
- Never have I ever donated my time to a beach cleanup.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a teacher or mentor.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger family member.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity walk or run.
- Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument for fun.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a children’s charity event.
- Never have I ever helped someone change a flat tire.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous dance move and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted in front of others.
- Never have I ever tried to parallel park and ended up blocking traffic.
- Never have I ever accidentally worn my clothes inside out all day.
- Never have I ever gotten lost in a mall and had to ask for directions.
- Never have I ever accidentally photobombed a stranger’s picture.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a joke that nobody else understood.
- Never have I ever tried to use chopsticks and ended up flinging food everywhere.
- Never have I ever attempted a cartwheel and ended up falling sideways.
- Never have I ever accidentally locked myself out of my own car.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and dropped my phone on my face.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for someone I knew and struck up a conversation.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a joke that I snorted loudly in public.
- Never have I ever tried to sneakily take a bite of someone else’s food.
- Never have I ever gone on a shopping spree and later regretted all my purchases.
- Never have I ever tried to do a backflip and landed on my rear.
- Never have I ever accidentally sent a screenshot of a conversation to the person I was talking about.
- Never have I ever burst out laughing at a serious moment.
- Never have I ever pretended to know a trendy slang word and used it in the wrong context.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a place of worship.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s parent.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty message to someone while in a relationship.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a tent while camping.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer reveal their identity in a playful way.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a celebrity who is much older than me.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a photobooth.
- Never have I ever flirted to get out of a boring conversation.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local soup kitchen.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish from another country.
- Never have I ever donated my clothes to a clothing drive.
- Never have I ever planted flowers in a public park.
- Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument to impress someone.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity walk for a cause I believe in.
- Never have I ever written a letter of appreciation to a healthcare worker.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student to improve their grades.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a wildlife conservation center.
- Never have I ever helped a friend move to a new apartment.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s hairstyle and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard while eating that I sprayed food everywhere.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and greeted them.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a meeting and snored loudly.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone with a joke that fell completely flat.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move from a music video and looked ridiculous.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a pet that wouldn’t cooperate.
- Never have I ever pretended to understand a complex topic during a conversation.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave me an anonymous love letter.
- Never have I ever sent a suggestive message to someone I just met.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss under mistletoe during the holidays.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter on a balcony or rooftop.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a boring event.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a beach at sunset.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in the rain and loved it.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal rescue center.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a classic family recipe.
- Never have I ever participated in a community garden project.
- Never have I ever donated my old toys to a children’s charity.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a friend overseas.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger sibling to improve their skills.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a literacy program for children.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity run for a good cause.
- Never have I ever spent a day volunteering at a local nursing home.
- Never have I ever accidentally left my phone on speaker during an embarrassing call.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and realized my camera was facing the wrong way.
- Never have I ever mistaken someone else’s drink for mine and taken a sip.
- Never have I ever attempted a karaoke performance and completely forgot the lyrics.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird call and sounded nothing like the bird.
- Never have I ever tried to dance like a professional dancer and ended up looking like a robot.
- Never have I ever tried to discreetly adjust my wedgie in public.
- Never have I ever fallen off a treadmill while trying to exercise.
- Never have I ever had a hilarious autocorrect fail in a text conversation.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a Ferris wheel.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer reveal themselves with a provocative gesture.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a boring family event.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss on a staircase.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s roommate.
- Never have I ever sent a suggestive message to the wrong person and had to explain.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a library.
- Never have I ever kissed someone under a mistletoe and regretted it.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a fitness instructor.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local homeless shelter.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a dish from a foreign cuisine.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help clean up a public park.
- Never have I ever planted a tree to commemorate a special occasion.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a childhood friend.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student to improve their study habits.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity fundraising event.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a community center for underprivileged children.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity auction to raise funds.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic an accent and ended up sounding ridiculous.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted and startled those around me.
- Never have I ever attempted to do a handstand and toppled over.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and complimented their outfit.
- Never have I ever tried to impersonate a cartoon character’s voice and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever fallen off a swing while trying to relive my childhood.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a “pull” door and smacked into it.
- Never have I ever tried to sing like a rockstar and shattered glass.
- Never have I ever made a funny face in a photo and regretted it later.
- Never have I ever tried to reenact a movie scene and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever accidentally sprayed myself with a water hose.
- Never have I ever tried to dance in the rain and slipped on a puddle.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a friend and started a conversation.
- Never have I ever worn mismatched shoes without realizing it.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a boring lecture or presentation.
- Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and ended up doing a somersault.
- Never have I ever tried to pull off a dramatic exit and stumbled.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone by attempting a magic trick and failing.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a balcony overlooking a city.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a sensual note for me.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of doing a chore.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a car wash.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone significantly taller or shorter than me.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty message to the wrong person on social media.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in an elevator.
- Never have I ever had a secret fling while on a business trip.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter during a power outage.
- Never have I ever flirted to get a better seat in a crowded place.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal adoption event.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a dish from a different culture.
- Never have I ever donated my old clothes to a disaster relief organization.
- Never have I ever participated in a community beach cleanup.
- Never have I ever planted a tree as part of an environmental initiative.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a mentor or role model.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger sibling or cousin in their studies.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity book drive.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a community center for senior citizens.
- Never have I ever donated my time to a local food bank.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate an animal’s sound and failed spectacularly.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I fell off a chair.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into a glass door thinking it was open.
- Never have I ever mistaken a wax figure for a real celebrity and waved.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and realized my phone was dead.
- Never have I ever tried to juggle and ended up dropping everything.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a pun that I snorted.
- Never have I ever tried to use chopsticks and sent food flying across the room.
- Never have I ever fallen while attempting to ice skate.
- Never have I ever made a joke that only I found funny.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a coworker from a different department.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a swimming pool.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a discount on something.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a public park at night.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer send me a suggestive gift.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in a photo booth.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone I met at a friend’s party.
- Never have I ever sent a risky text to someone I barely knew.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss during a thunderstorm.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a traffic jam.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community garden.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dessert from scratch.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help organize a charity event.
- Never have I ever participated in a clothing drive for those in need.
- Never have I ever planted flowers to beautify a neighborhood.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a sibling or cousin.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student in a school project.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity walkathon.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a children’s arts and crafts event.
- Never have I ever donated my old toys to a children’s hospital.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a celebrity’s dance move and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever attempted a somersault and landed in a tangled mess.
- Never have I ever mistaken someone else’s shopping cart for my own.
- Never have I ever tried to sing a high note and cracked my voice.
- Never have I ever fallen off a swing while trying to show off.
- Never have I ever tried to take a cute selfie and ended up with a blurry mess.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and ended up falling over.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone with a magic trick and failed.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a rooftop garden.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a provocative voicemail.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a family event.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in a photo booth.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a jacuzzi.
- Never have I ever kissed someone and pretended it was a joke.
- Never have I ever sent a risky message to a co-worker by accident.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter during a candlelit dinner.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a boring conversation.
- Never have I ever donated my old clothes to a thrift store.
- Never have I ever participated in a community park cleanup.
- Never have I ever planted a tree in memory of a loved one.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger family member in a hobby.
- Never have I ever helped organize a charity bike ride.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help build a playground.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s voice and sounded ridiculous.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and tripped over my own feet.
- Never have I ever mistaken someone for a celebrity and asked for their autograph.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally hit the wrong button.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie and missed the best part.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone by lifting weights and strained a muscle.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted in front of a crush.
- Never have I ever attempted to mimic an animal’s noise and scared someone.
- Never have I ever tried to do a split and ended up falling on my back.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and kicked a lamp over.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and waved hello.
- Never have I ever tried to balance on a curb and ended up stumbling.
- Never have I ever attempted a magic trick and made a mess instead.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in a boring meeting and snored loudly.
- Never have I ever tried to sing like a rockstar and hit an ear-piercing note.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard while eating that food came out of my nose.
- Never have I ever tried to juggle and sent objects flying in all directions.
- Never have I ever imitated a famous celebrity’s walk and looked ridiculous.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a discount on a purchase.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a seductive message.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a moonlit beach.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in a photo booth and made it memorable.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in an elevator.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss on a Ferris wheel.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal sanctuary.
- Never have I ever donated my time to a neighborhood cleanup.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity run for a good cause.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a community center for seniors.
- Never have I ever donated my old toys to a children’s shelter.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a cartoon character’s voice and failed.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and ended up tripping.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a long-lost friend and hugged them.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally hit my own face.
- Never have I ever fallen off a bike while attempting a trick.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird’s sound and gotten strange looks.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a dad joke that I had tears in my eyes.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and toppled over like a toppled tree.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a secluded forest.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer send a saucy email.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a family gathering.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter on a boat or cruise.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a co-worker from a different department.
- Never have I ever sent a risky message to someone and immediately regretted it.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in a thunderstorm.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter on a rooftop under the stars.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a free drink at a bar.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity walk to raise awareness.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a children’s art workshop.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a celebrity’s walk and stumbled.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted and surprised myself.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and twisted my ankle.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and complimented them.
- Never have I ever tried to balance on one foot and fallen over.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie and snored loudly.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic an animal’s noise and confused my pet.
- Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and ended up in a heap on the floor.
- Never have I ever made a joke so bad that even crickets wouldn’t chirp.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a candlelit cave.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a family dinner.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a ski lodge.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in a rainstorm.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter on a balcony.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a cozy cabin.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish from scratch.
- Never have I ever donated my old clothes to a clothing drive.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student in a subject I excel at.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a cartoon character’s laugh and failed.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a celebrity and asked for a photo.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally captured my thumb.
- Never have I ever fallen off a bike while trying to ride with no hands.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s dance and failed.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I had to hold onto my chair.
- Never have I ever tried to whistle like a bird and produced a strange sound.
- Never have I ever made a joke that made me laugh more than anyone else.
- Never have I ever tried to do a somersault and landed flat on my back.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted and scared everyone around me.
- Never have I ever mistaken a statue for a real person and struck up a conversation.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally covered the camera with my finger.
- Never have I ever attempted to moonwalk and ended up tripping over my own feet.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a class and been caught by the teacher.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I had to hold onto a wall for support.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a friend and hugged them from behind.
- Never have I ever tried to sing like a pop star and shattered a glass.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave an alluring message in my mailbox.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of a family function.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a secluded beach cove.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss in the pouring rain.
- Never have I ever sent a provocative message to someone and regretted it.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a free dessert.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a cozy cabin during a rainstorm.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community center for after-school programs.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a classic dish from my family’s heritage.
- Never have I ever planted flowers to create a beautiful garden.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a mentor who changed my life.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student to improve their reading skills.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity run to support a cause I believe in.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal shelter to help care for pets.
- Never have I ever organized a fundraiser to support a local nonprofit.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a movie character’s accent and failed hilariously.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I accidentally knocked something over.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and ended up with a blurry picture of my ear.
- Never have I ever fallen off a swing while trying to impress someone.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird call and attracted the attention of actual birds.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a bad pun that I had tears in my eyes.
- Never have I ever made a joke that only I found hilarious.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a candlelit gazebo.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a cheeky note on my doorstep.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a luxurious hotel suite.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss during a breathtaking sunset.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a coworker from another department.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty message to the wrong contact on my phone.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter by a roaring fireplace.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a better seat at a concert.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a cozy cabin during a thunderstorm.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community garden to grow fresh produce.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish from a distant country.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help organize a charity auction.
- Never have I ever planted trees to create a shaded area in a public park.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to express gratitude to a friend.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student in mathematics or science.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity bike ride to raise funds.
- Never have I ever donated my old clothes to a homeless shelter.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal rescue to care for abandoned pets.
- Never have I ever organized a community cleanup to maintain the beauty of my neighborhood.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s walk and ended up stumbling.
- Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a long-lost friend and embarrassed myself.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and realized my phone was facing the wrong way.
- Never have I ever fallen off a bike while attempting a trick and got a scrape.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird’s sound and ended up sounding like a siren.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a dad joke that I had tears streaming down my face.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and crashed into a piece of furniture.
- Never have I ever made a pun that was so bad it was actually funny.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a candlelit garden.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a suggestive message in my mailbox.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a cozy cabin during a snowfall.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss under a starry sky.
- Never have I ever sent a flirtatious message to someone I barely knew.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a serene forest clearing.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a free dessert at a restaurant.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a beachside bungalow.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community center for children’s activities.
- Never have I ever planted trees to create a small urban garden.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to express appreciation to a teacher.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student in a subject I’m passionate about.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity run to support a local cause.
- Never have I ever donated my old books to a school or library.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local animal shelter to care for rescue animals.
- Never have I ever organized a neighborhood cleanup to maintain a clean environment.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a movie character’s voice and ended up sounding ridiculous.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and accidentally knocked something over.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and started a conversation.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and realized my phone was in video mode.
- Never have I ever fallen off a swing while trying to show off my skills.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird’s sound and attracted a real bird to me.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a pun that I had to sit down to regain composure.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and ended up in a tangled mess.
- Never have I ever made a joke that was so bad it circled back around to being funny.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s dance and ended up looking like a wacky inflatable tube person.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I accidentally snorted a piece of food out of my nose.
- Never have I ever attempted to whistle a tune and produced a sound resembling a strangled cat.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and tried to engage in a conversation with it.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a wild animal (from a safe distance, of course!).
- Never have I ever fallen off a treadmill while trying to show off my running skills.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a movie character’s accent and ended up sounding like a mix of three different accents.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a joke that I accidentally spat out my drink.
- Never have I ever attempted a cartwheel and crashed into a stack of pillows.
- Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and accidentally knocked over a vase.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a picturesque meadow.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a risqué message on my social media.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of doing chores.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a secluded cabin during a snowstorm.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss on a moonlit beach.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling without them knowing.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty text and then realized it was meant for someone else.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter under a canopy of twinkling fairy lights.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a better seat on a flight.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a cozy mountain lodge.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community center to teach art to children.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish from a culture different than my own.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help organize a charity fashion show.
- Never have I ever planted a butterfly garden to attract and support local pollinators.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to a grandparent to share cherished memories.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity swimathon to raise funds for a cause.
- Never have I ever donated my old board games to a local community center.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a wildlife rehabilitation center to care for injured animals.
- Never have I ever organized a neighborhood picnic to foster community spirit.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a bird’s flight and ended up flapping my arms like a chicken.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that my stomach hurt for the rest of the day.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and offered it a handshake.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a landmark and accidentally chopped off my own head in the photo.
- Never have I ever fallen off a skateboard while attempting a trick.
- Never have I ever attempted to mimic a famous celebrity’s hairstyle and ended up with a mess on my head.
- Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and landed in a heap on the floor.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a pun that my friends thought I had lost my mind.
- Never have I ever tried to impersonate a superhero and accidentally tore my shirt.
- Never have I ever made a joke that only I found amusing and laughed alone.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a flirty note under my windshield wiper.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of attending a family reunion.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a cozy cottage during a heavy rain.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss on a rooftop under a starry sky.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a co-worker from a different department without them knowing.
- Never have I ever sent a saucy message and then realized it was auto-corrected to something completely different.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a garden filled with blooming flowers.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a luxurious beachfront villa.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community center to teach basic computer skills to seniors.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a classic dessert from scratch.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help organize a charity talent show.
- Never have I ever planted trees in a local park to create a shaded gathering spot.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to express gratitude to a first responder.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student to help them improve their writing.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity cycling event to raise awareness for a cause.
- Never have I ever donated my old musical instruments to a school music program.
- Never have I ever volunteered at an animal sanctuary to care for rescued farm animals.
- Never have I ever organized a neighborhood clean-up event to maintain a litter-free environment.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a famous celebrity’s walk and ended up looking like I was on stilts.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that my drink came out of my nose.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and twisted my ankle in the process.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and told it a secret.
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and accidentally pressed the volume button instead of the shutter.
- Never have I ever fallen off a balance ball while attempting to sit on it.
- Never have I ever tried to impersonate a cartoon character and failed spectacularly.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard at a cheesy joke that I had tears in my eyes.
- Never have I ever tried to do a headstand and ended up crashing into a wall.
- Never have I ever made a pun so bad that it was met with a collective groan.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer leave a seductive note in my mailbox.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get out of attending a family function.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a secluded mountain retreat.
- Never have I ever had a passionate kiss on a moonlit rooftop.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a co-worker and kept it a secret.
- Never have I ever sent a flirty text to the wrong person and had to do some damage control.
- Never have I ever had a romantic encounter in a charming garden gazebo.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a better seat at a theater.
- Never have I ever had a steamy encounter in a luxurious lakeside cottage.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a local community center to teach basic crafting skills.
- Never have I ever learned to cook a traditional dish using a family recipe.
- Never have I ever donated my time to help organize a charity fashion swap event.
- Never have I ever planted a butterfly-friendly garden to support local pollinators.
- Never have I ever written a heartfelt letter to express gratitude to a mentor.
- Never have I ever mentored a younger student to improve their public speaking skills.
- Never have I ever participated in a charity hike to raise funds for a cause.
- Never have I ever donated my old musical scores to a school music program.
- Never have I ever volunteered at a wildlife conservation center to care for rescued animals.
- Never have I ever organized a neighborhood picnic to promote community bonding.
- Never have I ever tried to mimic a famous celebrity’s laugh and ended up sounding like a hyena.
- Never have I ever attempted a dance move and accidentally knocked over a lamp.
- Never have I ever mistaken a mannequin for a real person and complimented its “outfit.”
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie and realized I was holding the phone backward.
- Never have I ever fallen off a hoverboard while attempting to look cool.
- Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird’s song and created a cacophony of confusion.
- Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and ended up somersaulting into a wall.
How to Play Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever is traditionally a drinking game where you take turns making statements that start with “Never Have I Ever” followed by an action or experience that you may or may not have done in the past. Anyone in the group that has done that action or has had that experience would then take a sip of their drink.
Usually what I do is spin a bottle while everyone stands around it or use a randomizer app to determine who goes first. Then you need to determine if the order of turns will be clockwise or counterclockwise. It really does not matter the order. There is no distinct end to the game. The game ends when you run out of Never Have I Ever questions or when everyone is ready to call it quits.
Can I Play Never Have I Ever if I Don’t Drink?
Yes! Even though this game was originally created as a drinking game you can definitely still play if you don’t drink. Instead of taking a drink you could put down a finger, or take away a bottle cap, or use any sort of props to keep count.
I personally have quit drinking and it can be hard to feel excluded in certain settings but this should not preclude you from playing Never Have I Ever, there are plenty of workarounds.
Never Have I Ever Cards Download
Never Have I Ever is a great game to get to know more about your friends or about people that are new in your life. Keep in mind that his game is meant to be playful and fun so if there are questions you or your friends are not comfortable with don’t use them.

Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.