Looking for a ho’oponopono meditation script?
I’ve written up two meditation scripts based on the core affirmations of ho’oponopono so you can practice this ancient Hawaiian meditation practice wherever you want.
How to Practice Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness process that was practiced by indigenous islanders long before Westerners were on the islands.
There are four mantras in ho’oponopono that are designed to help connect our spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies.
These are:
- I am sorry
- Please forgive me
- Thank you
- I love you
You can either practice alone and ask for forgiveness for something you’ve done, or you can direct it at another person.
Related – Read more on the history and what ho’oponopono is.
Ho’oponopono Meditation Script
Here are a couple of basic ho’oponopono meditation scripts for you to learn:
Ho’oponopono Script One
Start by gently closing your eyes and taking a deep breath through your nose.
Hold the breath at the top for a count of 3, then release the air out of your mouth.
You can either repeat this mantra out loud, or say it inside your head.
You can also repeat it any number of times you wish.
As you say this mantra, I also want you to think about someone who has hurt you, or someone you wish you were on better terms with.
Imagine that person standing in front of you now.
Repeat the following while gently breathing:
I’m sorry
I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you
I’m sorry
I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you
I’m sorry
I love you
Please forgive me
Thank you
**Repeat X number of times
As you begin to come back into the present moment, honor yourself for showing up and doing this meditation today.
By forgiving others, we forgive ourselves.
Whenever you feel stuck, angry, or want more compassion for others, you can come back to this meditation.
Ho’oponopono Script Two
The practice of ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice based on healing through forgiveness and reconciliation.
It is about making things right with yourself and others.
Ho’oponopono is based on the belief that by owning our own feelings and experiences, we can create our own reality.
A reality with greater compassion for others, forgiveness for the things we and others have done wrong, and remove negative energies from our lives.
Start by getting comfortable, relaxing, and closing your eyes.
After a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, relax into a natural breathing rhythm.
Now repeat the following affirmations until you can express them from a place of truth in your heart:
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
**Repeat X number of times
When you allow healing within yourself, you heal others, too.
Thank you for taking the time to practice this meditation today, I love you.
Can We Do Ho’oponopono Prayer While Sleeping?
Doing ho’oponopono prayers while relaxing and drifting off to sleep is a great way to do this form of meditation.
Everyone likes to meditate in a different way and in a setting they’re comfortable with. For me, I do most of my meditating lying down at night before going to sleep.
This is how I started doing ho’oponopono, and found it incredibly powerful.
I would often drift off listening to a guided practice like this one available on Insight Timer.
This guided practice starts with a full-body relaxation, which is perfect if you’ve had a long or stressful day.
It then takes you through a review of your day and helps you transform any moments of upset and turn them into self-love.
The track then repeats the ho’oponopono mantras and allows you to drift off to sleep as the affirmations repeat over, and over.
Related – More on ho’oponopono affirmations here.
What Happens When You Do Ho’oponopono?
As with all meditation, everyone will have a slightly different experience – but there is a clear goal.
The goal with ho’oponopono is to help you express remorse, find forgiveness, find gratitude, and experience love.
All very powerful emotions that are capable of having a profound and spiritual effect on anyone.
You can use ho’oponopono to help you turn daily negatives into positives, or on a broader scope to help you repair relationships and let go of thoughts and experiences that have been bothering you.
I can’t speak for you, but for myself, I can tell you that ho’oponopono helped me find a deeper, more pure love for the earth and the people around me.
I have a more real and powerful self-love, and love for others. It helped me identify some of the situations where I could have been a better person, friend, dad, and husband.
I owe a lot to this form of meditation, that much I do know.
Sometimes as I hear the crashing waves on a guided track and repeat the ho’oponopono mantra, I get a deep sense of what it may have been like for some of the indigenous islanders in Hawaii.
Ho’oponopono is a powerful form of prayer and meditation, I can only recommend you try it for yourself.
Image credits – Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash
Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.